About This Event
Join us between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. as we celebrate community and fundraise and friend raise on what we hope will be a beautiful fall day! \
Set-a-spell at our legacy tables and benches under the old oak tree or reminisce and rock-away your worries on the porch. \
An all day Southern style breakfast will be served from the food court, beginning at 8 a.m. until we run out. Watch the pioneer skill of sugar cane grinding and syrup making and purchase a bottle or two of freshly made syrup, ready about 1:30 p.m. Crafts vendors, the Cake Walk, and boiled peanuts will be available. Stock up on homemade jelly with guava, blueberry, blackberry, and peach on offer for just $4 per jar. Register to win a Christmas Field Crate filled to brim with products that any local history lover is sure to enjoy. The drawing is at 1 p.m. \
Live entertainment from the gazebo will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the first ever Heritage Park appearances by “Our Band,” followed by Tom Mizell on harmonica, square dancing by Strawberry Square, and a Fall Festival favorite, the Union Academy Bluegrass Band. The Musical Hammers will perform the restful and sweet sounds of dulcimer music near the cane grinding shed. \
At noon, we will pause to reveal the identity of the 2021 “Volunteer of the Year” - wonder who it will be? Activities for the young-uns will also be provided including a “Wheel of Fortune” with prizes and the always popular train tram rides through the Park. \
As an admission fee for Fall Festival, please plan to bring a non-perishable food item and add it to the Society’s version of a cornucopia. Several wheelbarrows will be marked and set aside to collect your donated items for Neighborhood House Ministries who serve those in need. \
Please, no animals on park grounds, except service animals, due to liability insurance requirements. \